Previously wrote a, introduce how to use python to realize the network device configuration batch backup, in a small-scale environment, it can really run, but
Author: sam

Sometimes, I guess, it’s tedious to try to share a file!!!! There are many ways to share, of course, but some of them are not

1. Introduction Regarding the “Architecture design and implementation – High-level design” chapter, the under-cloud part, the implementation of the local environment consists of Proxmox and

1 Introduction In the chapter “Architecture design and implementation – High-level design”, the implementation of the cloud part focuses on Nginx Reverse Proxy, according to

The IT infrastructure of this home lab took almost half a year from the initial design to the final realization, and it took a lot of time and a little bit of money.

Migrating from WordPress 6.0 to Typecho 1.2 & Handsome 8.4 No need for intermediate versions, barely direct migration。。。。。。。。

Applying for a free SSL certificate is quite easy, there are many ways to do it, such as Let’s Encrypt, and you don’t need to

之前项目上,写过一个小功能: 周期性监测设备连通性 如果down,发送告警邮件(一次) 24小时后一直没恢复,再发一次 凡是有up-down状态切换,都发 发告警的同时,自动干点其它操作,例如重启该设备

结合python 和 pve 的api,方便的管理虚拟机,可以单独的开发个小脚本,也可以嵌入到任何其他系统内,作为一个小功能。

python使用过程中,难免要用到一些关系型数据库,例如sqlite, mysql, postgresql,而增删查改过程中,字符串的拼接着实让人头大