Sometimes, I guess, it’s tedious to try to share a file!!!! There are many ways to share, of course, but some of them are not
Category: System

1. Introduction Regarding the “Architecture design and implementation – High-level design” chapter, the under-cloud part, the implementation of the local environment consists of Proxmox and

1 Introduction In the chapter “Architecture design and implementation – High-level design”, the implementation of the cloud part focuses on Nginx Reverse Proxy, according to

Applying for a free SSL certificate is quite easy, there are many ways to do it, such as Let’s Encrypt, and you don’t need to

结合python 和 pve 的api,方便的管理虚拟机,可以单独的开发个小脚本,也可以嵌入到任何其他系统内,作为一个小功能。


OpenWrt 一款嵌入式开源软路由系统,适用各种硬件,各种架构,插件生态非常丰富,互联网上众多第三方编译版本,集成了大量第三方插件,开箱即用,但良莠不齐

还是关于我的homelab环境,在PVE环境下,安装了一个Ubuntu 20.04,kernel为5.4.0-122-generic的vm,作为我的生产力系统

前言 homelab环境搭建差不多后,部署了不少的服务,这些服务都有相应的后台管理页面,安全考虑,不应该暴露到外网

我的TL-WR706N迷离路由器竟然坏掉了,fuck,一个路由器还能坏掉! 由于台式机么有无线网卡,然后布线又太麻烦,恰好手头有一个树莓派,可以把它当作无线网卡使用。