Sometimes, I guess, it’s tedious to try to share a file!!!! There are many ways to share, of course, but some of them are not
Tag: homelab

1. Introduction Regarding the “Architecture design and implementation – High-level design” chapter, the under-cloud part, the implementation of the local environment consists of Proxmox and

1 Introduction In the chapter “Architecture design and implementation – High-level design”, the implementation of the cloud part focuses on Nginx Reverse Proxy, according to

The IT infrastructure of this home lab took almost half a year from the initial design to the final realization, and it took a lot of time and a little bit of money.

个人玩家,如果搭一个Self-hosted lab 环境,X86-based的架构或许是一个更好选择,毕竟成熟,生态丰富的多;当然ARM-based架构也不错,绝大部分的需求也能满足.

有一个家用需求: 以rest api的形式发布一个服务(函数) 访问这个服务需要验证,确切说是token(JWT)认证 访问这个服务的request/response数据需要被校验 自带如何使用这个api的文档 简单点 官方文档详细丰富 性能最不重要 python实现的

最近准备搞大事情,想着先入手一块硬盘先,没想到,多年不买硬盘了,那些花里胡哨的术语让人头大~~~~~对了,现在已经都全民买SSD了? 我out了。。。